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Meet the valuation panel
Who is on the business valuation panel ?
The business valuation panel is made up of members of the website site. The members have a profile on the site and have completed their full profile for other members to review. They are drawn from the world of Corporate Finance, Business Sales xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, and have confirmed they are willing to review information you supply to provide a view on valuation and deal structure.
If you are a member of Mandainfo you are entitled to use this service once a year as well as access all the other valuable benefits of the site.
How does the business valuation service work
The first thing to know is that your business valuation journey is totally confidential. You don't need to provide your Company name, you can complete the business valuation calculator without disclosing your name or company identity to the valuation panel. You can remove your references from your accounts so the valuation can be reviewed without disclosure.
If you want us to remove the identifying references from your accounts a small admin and handling charge will apply.
Go to business valuation page on this site and simply follow the form, complete, upload your documents and hit send.
Your information will be checked and once approved will be sent to the panel members matching your business.
Members who are participating in the service have agreed to respond within 2 weeks or decline the project by return.
The valuation panel will respond to us within 2 weeks, any late ones will disregarded. The results will include their contact details.
You can then plan your next steps and decide who to engage with for further discussions, we do NOT make any recommendations regarding your choice of advisor, we aim to provide you with a balanced choice of views and advisers.
What you should think about next
Once your are satisfied that you have taken enough business sale advice, it may well be worthwhile to obtain a legal healthcheck from a solicitor who is experienced in Mergers and Acquisitions and business sales. This usually covers topics such as
Shareholder / Partnership agreements
Employee review
Customer and supllier contracts review
The Mandainfo directory includes a section on legal advisors with experience in Mergers and Acquisitions and business sales